Sampling &

The power of the human touch!

Sampling &

The power of the human touch!

Putting a face to your brand!

In an online world it has never been more important to connect and engage with your target audience in person. There is no more powerful commodity than the Human Touch, and it creates an extra dimension to your sales and marketing strategy.

The options are limitless from in-store demonstrations, event sampling, canvassing, guerrilla marketing, festivals, trade shows, wholesale, pop-up events, sponsorships and much, much more.

Demonstrations and Sampling give consumers the ability to touch, feel and sense your product or brand. Customers can engage, connect, and most importantly ask questions, learn, and most importantly engage with a person.

People buy from people and purchase products that make them feel good, and they can understand the benefits, features, value, and quality. Having the physical product in front of them and being able to try, touch, taste and see your product, naturally ticks all the above, so will drive sales (online or in-store) and trigger more brand advocacy.

The goal of demonstration is to introduce customers to the product in hopes of getting them to purchase. By engaging with customers Face to Face the power of the brand can be unleashed.

By having a Brand Ambassador present when activating a promotion or at the point of purchase the consumer is more likely to engage and purchase on the day through a ‘built trust’. A typical day in-store on this campaign can see sales increase by as much as a 600%. That’s impressive ROI!

Our experienced, results-driven Brand Ambassadors will be the face of your brand. They are trained to sell or sample your products directly to the target consumer. Prior to activation, they are briefed on brand information, USPs and product specifications. They are also highly experienced in data capture generating quality leads for future and ongoing contact to further enhance and secure ongoing engagement.

The best way to speak to your customers is to let your products do the talking. Sampling lets you engage the senses and give a true taste of your brand’s quality.

Online can sometimes be every transactional. The Human Touch can cut through, offering a very rounded and personal touch to create positive and personalised moments for your brand and your customers.

A trumpet

We're not ones to blow our own trumpet

But luckily we have some great clients that will.

Click the link below to see some of our work and what they have to say about us.